95cm Austrian Scythe blade- Cimbura's Blade

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A true 95cm Austrian scythe blade no available in normal shops.
We can additionally peen your scythe blade so that its really "ready to mow out of the box", simply check the box YES below and we'll make sure your 1 step closer to mowing with ease.
We receive positive feed back from both beginners and experienced mowers who are pleased after trying a well peened quality Austrian blade. Take a look at how we mowed/peened last year.
Take another step, empower yourselves and come along to one of our courses on mowing and peening to maximise your results and pleasure.
Note: In Czech we call it Cimbura’s blade accoring to a wll-known character of a farmer from Czech clasic book Jan CImbura which celebrates the farmer, his wisdom, humbleness and common sense.
Harvest time came in full swing. The grains were beautiful. Cimbura liked cutting his crops. Each year he would go to Pisek to pick out the blade. It had to be the right measurement, a nice bend to it, it had to ring like silver. If it struck a nail, it was the nail that had to give not the blade. Then he had to find just the right whet stone. 42 Finally he set the blade to the handle and went out early in the morning, preferably on a Monday, to his rye field. The early wind would blow his long hair. Cimbura took his hat off, knelt in the green grass at the edge of the field, laid the scythe across his shoulder, said a prayer with hands folded around the scythe, made the sign of the cross. “Lord God give us abundance then started to scythe. The row of grain falls behind him. With each cut he stepped ahead, his feet making two lines in the field. (Jan CImbura by Jindřich Šimon Baar, trans. by Blanch Zelmer
- SKLADEM: In Stock
- Weight: 0.66kg